Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Road Trip: Blogged (Day 2.5)

A conversation with Tiffany in a truck stop bathroom earlier today:

Me (from one stall): Tiffany, have you ever had Rocky Mountain Oysters?

Tiffany (from the stall next to mine): What?

Me: Rocky Mountain Oysters... they're on the menu here. I've never had them, but I've heard of them.

Tiffany: What are you talking about? What are Mountain Oysters? That doesn't even make sense.

Me: I think they're balls!

Tiffany (washing hands): What?

Me (washing hands, then struggling to make the automatic paper towel dispenser recognize my presence): Rocky Mountain Oysters! They're balls. Cow balls or moose balls... some kind of balls.

Tiffany (handing me a paper towel): What do you mean balls?

Me: Just balls! Cooked balls!

Tiffany: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Me (sighing): Ask your dad.

Tiffany (outside the bathroom): Dad, have you ever heard of Rocky Balls?

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