Saturday, April 13, 2013

Invisible Stuff

When I tried to step down from the linen closet shelf to the sink, I knew I was in trouble. 

"Help me, Tiffany," I called.


I considered my options. I was perched like a koala bear straddling the door jam, several feet off the ground. In one hand, I held on for dear life. In the other, I clutched the bar of Irish Spring soap I'd climbed up for. 

"Yes," I said. "Very seriously."

Tiffany and I have less room for stuff in our new apartment. And all the room we do have is extremely vertical, meaning people like us, who stand 5 feet 3 inches off the ground, can't see it or reach it, hence my unfortunate climb (Tiffany eventually rescued me by lifting me out of the linen closet).

Our storage woes cause all sorts of other problems too.

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Target to stock up on:

Irish Spring
laundry detergent
dish washing soap
face soap 
face lotion

only to find when Tiffany koala-ed up to put the stuff away that we already had extra quantities of:

Irish Spring
laundry detergent
dish washing soap
face soap 
face lotion

that we'd forgotten about. 

So even though we have less space for stuff, we actually have more stuff because we can't see any of the stuff we do have.

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