I know it's been a week when I hear:
"Rebecca! The paper! I can't take it anymore!"
I'm sure I have my strategy all wrong. Here's what I do: I read the parts I like least--all the hard news and business news that makes me feel a little bit panicked inside--before I let myself read the parts I like most, like Modern Love and the profiles of people and the reviews of shows I'd love to see and the advice columns and the magazine. Yes, I know this is self-deprivation, but, what do you expect? Haven't you read my profile? I wash my dinner dishes before I eat dinner.
Anyway, in between the parts I like least and the parts I like most I'm distracted by life: trips to the farmers' market and the grocery store and work and making meals and reading the magazines I subscribe to and the books I check out at the library and trying to make sure all of those tasks and reading materials don't stack up like the Sunday paper. A girl can only have so many stacks.
But what happens is that I end up almost not being able to read the parts of the Sunday paper I like most because I leave them until there are just hours remaining until the next Sunday paper arrives. When I hear:
"Rebecca! The paper! I can't take it anymore!"
I grab the good parts and immediately sit down on the couch and read furiously.
Rebequita , you are right. You have it all wrong. But don,t worry,I will help you. First of all ,as soon as you get the paper go to the trash can and get rid of every single bad, sad or upsetting news. At this point you will realized that 3/4 of the paper is in the garbage. Now you have plenty of time to read the best part of the paper. I assure you that it will take you tops 2 hours to read it.