Monday, November 22, 2010

50th Post Extravaganza! Blow-Out Posting!

Today's my 50th blog post. It's also almost Thanksgiving. So for my 50th blog post, I'm going to tell you something I'm thankful for: blog stats!

I just discovered them. And now that I have, I'm thankful for them. Because all this time I've been thinking I've been blogging away in obscurity, spurred along by the occasional comment from my family (usually when the blog post is about my family). But it turns out my page has been viewed more than 4,000 times! Considering I only have 4 people in my immediate family (and only three who are computer-literate... my 86-year-old grandmother has never turned a computer on) this is fantastic news. Someone has been reading my blog in Saudi Arabia. I don't know how that's even possible, but I'm thankful for that too.

Anyway, in honor of my 50th blog post, I'll be offering up a blog a day this week. That's right... even on Thanksgiving. So, when you need a break from your family, you can come read about mine. (First post to follow)

And now I beg of you... if you read me, follow me. Comment on my posts. Please. Link me on your facebook page. E-mail me to your co-workers. But mostly, keep reading. Because now that I know you're being counted, you count. No, really, you matter to me. Or your IP address does. But these days, what's the difference?


  1. The red shoe - hysterical! As usual Rebo, your wit and writing made me laugh aloud during the commercial break. One bit of advice for you two... DON'T WAIT UNTIL DAYS BEFORE A WEDDING TO BUY THE DRESS, SHOES, ETC. silly, silly girls.... love you.
    Congrats on the 50th and thanks for making me laugh on AT LEAST 49 previous occasions!!!!

  2. I'm one of Tiffany's former clients - you and I have met in passing a couple of times - I think once at that coffee shop in the Fillmore, and once at a Napa grocery store. She and I are Facebook friends, so I usually end up clicking over here when she posts that you've updated. I hadn't been commenting because I felt that this was probably too attenuated a connection, and you might think I was weird for reading! But since you've asked us to declare ourselves, here I am - Bethany, reading (occasionally) from Cambridge, England (to explain one of the weird IP addresses that probably makes you wonder, "How the hell did someone in England find my blog?"). Your writing style is awesome - you write with such warmth and humor! Looking forward to your next 50 posts! :)
