Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Special--U-Pick Posting!

To spice things up a bit (and encourage people to read and comment on my blog), I've got a sweepstakes of sorts for the month of January.

At the end of each post this month (including the first 2011 post immediately preceding this notice), you'll see this:

"Congratulations, you've just read a U-Pick blog post! If you know me (as most of my readers do), thank you for reading and feel free to suggest something you'd like me to blog about. If you don't know me, thank you for reading of your own free will and not out of a sense of obligation! Even though you're a stranger, feel free to suggest a topic, perhaps something you'd like to hear more about that you've read on my blog before. All suggestions must be made as comments on my blog (not on Facebook for those of you who find my blog via Facebook). I'll pick my favorite suggestion each week and blog on it within a few days."

Anyway, I hope you'll suggest freely. Or, if you don't care to suggest but particularly enjoy a post, comment on that. If you do not enjoy a post, kindly close your browser and go on about your day.

Happy New Year! Don't forget to follow me, bookmark me, link to me and email me* whenever you feel so moved! Most of all, keep reading. Over 7,000 page views so far :)

*I've even come up with a handy form-letter for you to share my blog with others:

Dear (fill in your acquaintance's name):

I'm sending along this blog by (choose one: my best friend; my token lesbian friend; this random girl on the Internet; my former neighbor; my old roommate; my little sister; my sister's girlfriend; my most amazing partner; my daughter; my daughter's girlfriend; my one-time teammate) about (choose another: dumb sh*t that happens in relationships; funny sh*t that happens in relationships; well, I don't really know what it's about) because (choose again: I love it!; it's fantastic!; it's genius!; it's something to read while you're bored)



  1. I love your blog because it discusses everyday "stuff" in new and amazing ways. I love your creativity and writing style...but then I have been a fan of yours for several years! Keep up the great work and have a wonderful and especially creative new year!
    Here's to more happy reading,


  2. Ah, the "just in case" excuse. Tiffany missed the best one... just in case we have a really huge house warming party and need more dishes. But you have a long way to go. Tom's best "just in case" excuse.. T: I'm keeping my Boy Scout camping gear from 30 years ago, just in case. P: In case what? We decide to go camping for the first time in a canvas tent? T: In case of an earthquake or something? P: You mean camp, instead of leaving town?

  3. Hi Rebecca! You don't know me, but I'm a childhood friend of Tiffany's and I discovered your blog when she posted links to it on facebook. I read it often and it always makes me laugh! You're a great writer, and I love all your stories!

    So I'd love to suggest a few topics for your U-pick extravaganza - how you and Tiffany met, your worst travel experience, your worst purchase, best gift you ever gave/received, most interesting restaurant experience (best/worst/funniest)...can you tell I've been thinking of ideas and am just finally getting around to commenting with them? :-) Again, I really enjoy your blog! Tell Tiffany I said hello! :-)

  4. I went to HS with Tiffany and I just wanted to let you know that your blog is both witty and wonderfully written.

    You truly have a way of making the readers visualize everything.

    Keep up the great work so I can keep reading and smiling!!

  5. Hi Rebecca,

    I ABSOLUTELY love reading your blogs!!

    We haven't met before; I know Tiffany from Equinox (Hi Tiffany, miss you!) and I found your blog on her Facebook page. Now I can't stop reading them!! Have you ever thought of compiling all of these hilarious stories for a book?

    Do you have any funny stories regarding work? Any weird experiences you may have encountered while riding mass transit in SF?
