Friday, January 7, 2011

U-Pick: The Six-Month Plan*

Tiffany and I don't fight about money. We both generally agree that we should save more than we spend; better yet, that's something--for the most part--we are capable of doing. We don't fight about kids because we don't have any. We don't fight about old girlfriends because we don't have any of those either.

But of all the things Tiffany and I don't fight about, where we're going to move is the biggest and most controversial.

For the last four years, Tiffany and I have been planning to move. Go ahead, ask any of our friends. They know because they're always asking us.

"So when's the big move date?" they asked us four years ago.

"Oh, in six months or so," we answered.

"So when's the big move date?" they asked us three-and-a-half years ago.

"Oh, in six months or so," we answered.

"So when's the big move date..."

And on and on and on. Tiffany and I are on what we call a rolling- six-month plan. We know we want to live somewhere else eventually. The problem? We can't decide where.

I want to live near my family, and Austin, Texas is the best place to do that. Tiffany wants to live near her family, and Boston, Massachusetts (where we met and went to college) is the best place to do that. But I also want to live near Tiffany's family and Tiffany also wants to live near mine. You can see our dilemma.

It's a delicate subject, and so we tiptoe around it. We make a point of not fighting about it. That is not to say we don't discuss it. In fact, we do. All. The. Time. But we talk about it carefully, politely and with our listening ears. In other words, we talk and talk and talk and never decide anything. Or we decide that we're moving one place and then talk and talk and talk some more and decide we really still can't decide.

We've polled our couple-friends (who, lucky dogs, mostly live near both their families). We've made pro-and-con lists on Southwest Airlines napkins after family visits and on the inside covers of paperback books (which we've then--accidentally--loaned to members of our family--whoops!).

We've flipped and re-flipped coins. We've played paper-scissors-rock. We've looked for--and found--signs. There are literal signs, like the Austin St. sign that's not too far from our apartment. There are funny signs, like when we're talking about moving to Boston in the car and "Dirty Water" comes on the radio. Then there are more ambiguous signs, like the time we sat down to watch back-to-back episodes of "Property Virgins" and the episodes were set in... yep, Austin and Boston.

It's a little running joke between us that when we do finally decide where we're going to settle down and buy all the things on our Someday List, we'll call our families and say,

"Guess what? We're moving to 'stin!"


"Guess what? We're moving to 'ston!"

and they won't be able to hear whether it's an "i" or an "o," and we'll hang up and just appear in whichever place we chose.

Other times, when we're really feeling stuck between a great place and a great place, we consider splitting the difference. In our road atlas, there are 11 inches between Austin and Boston.

Five-and-a-half inches puts us in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Look for us there... in about six months.

*This U-Pick post brought to you on a suggestion by John, who thinks we should live in Boston, even though he didn't post his suggestion as a comment on my blog the way he was supposed to :). To find out how you can suggest a post topic, click here.


  1. I like your rolling plan! It keeps you both here a little longer, although the looming suspense of you two moving is killing me!

    My u-pick suggestion: in pursuit of passion...

  2. As your first "U-Pick" winner, I think my prize should be choosing where you move. Boston it is. So many more places to get writing jobs, so many more people to train, so close to me and Teresa, so many more peanut butter balls...

    On that note, I think your next "U-Pick" should be about Patty. So much great material there, including her flag football style tips and late-night deliveries of ball sacks to hungry women's soccer players.

  3. I vote for Autin, Texas. It is much warmer and friendly to athletes! Your solution is clearly to encourage Tiffany's family to move to Austin! That way, everyone will be both close by and much warmer in the winter!

  4. BOSTON YOU'RE MY HOME!!!! Gotta choose Boston Rebecca and Tif! First off, let me say that it sounds like the two of you have one hell of a healthy relationship! The way you deal with such touchy subjects. Most couples fight and scream and yell and throw blunt/sharp/explosive/acidic objects at one another over much less. Anyway, I have to tell you that Shawna and I are in EXACTLY the same situation, or were. Her family is in Austin, mine is in Boston (and the surrounding area across New England). We chose New England because she loves it here, and there's ALWAYS a good time to visit Texas in the winter, for a break from the cold, and the Texans are ALWAYS looking for a trip up here in the summer, to beat the heat. As you know, there is no place better to be than New England in the summer time. So choose Boston. You'll still see your family and they will come and see you! It worked well for us! LOVE THAT DIRTY WATER!!! See you soon back here, BACK HOME! Love you both!!
    Mark jr.
